What is Attendance Tracking System?
Attendance Tracking System (ATS) is the web based system for marking attendance for our CCAP families. ATS is required to be used by both families and providers involved with CCAP to assure attendance and payments are correctly calculated. For more detailed information please visit Colorado Office of Early Childhood and look under Use the Attendance Tracking system (ATS).
Where can I find ATS training videos?
The Colorado Department of Early Childhood has developed videos for both parents and providers to better utilize the ATS system. These short videos were updated in 2023 and are available in both English and Spanish.
How do I get the PIN number to start using CCAP?
When a parent receives their CCAP authorization, they will receive a welcome email from the state. A link in the email starts the process to select an 8-digit PIN to be used for the ATS attendance tracking. The code cannot repeat itself in a series and also cannot begin with zero.
What If my child(ren) arrives to school on the bus?
The CCAP providers have been instructed to sign in your child for you. You will need to approve that “pending” attendance within 9 days. When counting the 9 days please be sure to include the weekends.
What does PENDING mean?
A “pending” status in ATS means the child care provider checked the child(ren) in and out on the parent’s behalf. It is the adult caretaker/parent’s responsibility to approve, modify or delete those pending attendance days according to actual attendance. Do not approve attendance if the child was absent that day as that would be considered fraudulent.
The expectation is that at pick up the parent will sign into ATS and look for any pending attendance under the confirmation column. View the YouTube videos for any additional training.
What if miss the deadline for approving pending attendance?
Consistent ATS usage is part of the CCAP contract. Occasional missed approvals can be accommodated with manual bills, but are not a long-term solution. Please reach out to CCAP staff as soon as possible with any problems using the ATS system.
Why does it show 11:59pm (pending) for a check-out?
When you see an 11:59pm pending that means neither parent nor provider checked the child out; the machine did so instead. Since it is in pending mode the parent will need to click on the time and change it to the correct check out time before approving. The 9 day window (including weekends) apply for approving pending attendance.
How does ATS work when there are two CCAP cases for one child?
If parents each have their own CCAP case due to individual custody arrangements, the parents will need to talk with the child care provider to plan how they will coordinate check in and out to avoid confusions.